
中国历史 60℃

中国青年网北京11月29日报道(记者 宋莉)“触摸文明——亚洲青年创作者大会”于11月29日在北京成功举办,以促进青年之间的交流互鉴。活动由中国青年报社主办,中国青年网承办。



11 Asian young creators participated in the conference. Photo by Song Li, reporter of China Youth Net.

During the event, 11 young creator representatives from China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia and other countries, with the theme of touching civilization and focusing on cultural exchanges and mutual learning, shared their creative stories in China.

The rise of short videos and social media has become an important way for young people to understand and learn about civilizations from various countries, and also provides an important platform for young creators to communicate, learn from each other and exchange experiences. Vietnamese young creator Nguyen Thi Thu An and Cambodian young creator Zhan Zhimin agreed with this. They respectively shared their stories of becoming a "YouTuber" and "vlogger" after coming to China. Through short videos, they shared their life fragments in China and also established connections with creators from other countries, sharing their creative experiences and insights. Nguyen Thi Thu An said that she wanted to show everyone the real life of contemporary young people. "We are curious about the world, sincere and fearless, and accept everything new while constantly firming our ideals."

"Asian countries are connected by water and mountains, and are close in terms of culture and humanities, with similar historical experiences and same dream pursuits," said Vietnamese young creator Chen Yucha, who shared her thoughts on visiting Guangzhou. Japanese young creator Motozawa Yui focused on sharing her personal experiences of the similarities and differences between China and Japan in terms of cuisine, beautiful scenery, drama and tea culture during her trip to Chengdu. Singaporean young creator Lee Zhi Ying also expressed that her life experiences in China and the trip to Xi'an made her deeply feel the richness of Chinese culture and the charm of historical civilization.






